Total Distance Travelled Per Team (Miles)

This is the sum of distances travelled by team members both when exercising alone (the Individual category) and when exercising with others (the Family/House/Social Bubble category). Please note, these submissions are mutually exclusive to reward different behaviours.

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Total Distance Travelled Per INdividual exercising alone (Miles) (Rank 1-50)

This is the lone wolf category, for endurance athletes exercising alone, free from the shackles of others.

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Total Distance travelled per family/house/Social Bubble exercising together (miles) (Rank 1-50)

This is the more social category where only exercise taken in the company of others is logged. It is just as competitive however!

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total Team Contribution (Miles) (Rank 1-50)

This is the sum of distances travelled both alone by an individual and, separately, when in the company of others. It shows the total contribution made to the team by an individual on any one day.

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The Children’s Award (miles)

This shows the average distance travelled per child participant

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Further Analysis:

The following rankings are designed to increase the competitiveness of the event to ensure a fair like for like comparison.

Individual Walking Analysis (Miles)

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Individual Running Analysis (Miles)

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Individual Cycling Analysis (Miles)

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Combined Group Walking Analysis (Miles)

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Combined Group Running Analysis (Miles)

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Combined Group Cycling Analysis (Miles)

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If you wish to modify any of the distances ascribed to you, please get in contact via email.